e scape: the presentation
This is a presentation created in InDesign to fit to our presentation format. It includes all pieces of the project.
Intro slide with logo and custom background print.
Intro slide with logo and custom background print.
Website Downloads Page
Website Downloads Page
Social Campaigns
Social Campaigns
Movement Pieces for Canva
Movement Pieces for Canva
e scape: the book
One of my biggest concepts when designing the book and app were to keep a covert in mind. I wanted people to be able to find out about e scape and what it could do to help people, but I didn't want it to be obvious the victim was reaching out for help. With the book, I made sure to keep it pretty calm from the outside and you would only be able to tell what it was about if you read it.
Identify Section: What is Abuse and Types of Abuse
Identify Section: What is Abuse and Types of Abuse
Identify Section: Traits of Abusers
Identify Section: Traits of Abusers
Act Section: How to Ask for Help
Act Section: How to Ask for Help
Act Section: Steps to Leave
Act Section: Steps to Leave
e scape: app
This was designed and created using Adobe XD and keeping UX and UI in mind. One of the main features was the exclamation button that worked as an automatic logout that kept a user in hiding in mind. If the victim's abuser was around and the user needed a fast way to log out, the button would do just that. There is also a blog section on the app allowing for victims and survivors to communicate and help one another.

App walkthrough created using Adobe XD

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